Latest GNLD News:
Study recommends certain supplements to cut healthcare costs.
Diabetes Is Out Of Control!
Don’t Forget Magnesium!
Study Demonstrates Lycopene Taken In Isolated Form Not Helpful!
Taking A Multivitamin Can Decrease Risk For Colorectal Cancer!
Eating fish keeps your heart healthy
Low vitamin C and stroke risk
Garlic & allium vegetables reduce risk for prostate cancer
Boost heart health with Omega-3s
Vitamin C in your orange juice
Broccoli can kill cancer culprits
Multi a day helps keep the doctor away
Omega-3s help reverse cartilage destruction
Improve your mood with fiber
Americans are turning to supplements for cholesterol control
Homocyteine is out to get you!
Diabetics have much higher risk of death
Protein within minutes after exercise boosts muscle!
Bad diets may breed deadlier viruses
Carotenoids promote healthy arteries
Vitamin D cuts hip fracture risk considerably
Carotenoids contribute to a healthy pregnancy
Sports injuries treated with fatty acids and antioxidants
Antioxidants can protect the brain from mental decline
Vitamin E protects your eyes
Soy recognized as heart healthy
Family Medicine Journal says vitamin E from diet not enough
Folic acid is essential before and during pregnancy
Zinc is critical in the prevention of pneumonia in children
Safe drinking water is vital for seniors
Fish oil promotes heart health
Vitamin C can help to lower blood pressure