Antioxidants can protect the brain from mental decline


Antioxidants can protect the brain from mental decline.

An exciting new study published in the March issue of Neurology found that elderly men who took vitamin E and C supplements at least once a week for several years were better protected from mental decline when compared to a similar group of men who did not supplement.

Researchers at the Kuakini Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii followed a group of 3,385 men that took part in a nutritional supplement survey in 1988; the same men were later tested for cognitive function in 1993. The researchers found that the men who supplemented with both vitamin C and vitamin E over a period of many years, scored much higher than those who did not.

The researchers also discovered that even those men who took only vitamin E or vitamin C between 1988 and 1993 experienced less mental decline than those who did not take supplements.

This study is another example of the critical role nutritional supplements can play in maintaining health throughout the entire lifespan. Because no one can escape time, protecting your brain from decline should be a paramount concern. The earlier you take dietary action to reduce or prevent a decline in mental function, the better you will enjoy the golden years in your life.

REFERENCE: K. H. Masaki, MD; K. G. Losonczy, MA; G. Izmirlian, PhD; D. J. Foley, MS; G. W. Ross, MD; H. Petrovitch, MD; R. Havlik, MD; L. R. White, MD, Association of vitamin E and C supplement use with cognitive function and dementia in elderly men, Neurology, 2000; 54:1265-1272