Protein within minutes after exercise boosts muscle!
When it comes to protein intake, minutes can make the difference.
A Danish study demonstrated that men who drank a high quality protein supplement 2 hours after a weight training session had no increase in muscle mass after the 12-week program. In contrast, men who drank their protein supplement within minutes of the training session had an increase in thigh muscle mass.
This study gives credence to the belief that ingesting a high quality protein soon after a weight training session helps one to maximize his/her weight training efforts. If you want to boost muscle mass, try one of GNLD’s many protein products right after exercise! GNLD proteins are of the highest quality and bioavailability, and provide the 22 amino acids needed for human nutrition. GNLD’s energizing proteins include SuperEase, NouriShake, Premium All-Purpose Protein and Vegetarian Protein Supplement.
Source: Reuters News Service