PhytoDefense Immune Packs #3309


PhytoDefense Immune delivers the broad phytonutrient protection of six optimal servings of GMO-free Gluten-free fruits and vegetables in one convenient pack. Each PhytoDefense pack contains NeoLife’s exclusive, patented Carotenoid Complex, which delivers antioxidant protection from free radical damage for the lipid portions of cells; Flavonoid Complex to help protect the watery portions inside and around cells; and Cruciferous Plus which provides nutrients that work with naturally-occurring hormones and enzymes to promote good health.

Antioxidant power of 500 pounds of fresh raw produce in each 30 day supply box.

All non-GMO whole food ingredients.


Broad-spectrum whole-food carotenoids, flavonoids, and crucifers. Provides the nutrient density and diversity of 25 carefully selected fruits and vegetables, combined to provide the phytonutrient profile of six optimal servings, rich in carotenoids, flavonoids, and cruciferous compounds.

3-2-1 protection. Each packet contains: 3 Carotenoid Complex capsules for antioxidant support for the lipid portions of the cells, 2 Flavonoid Complex tablets to provide antioxidant support for the watery portions inside and around cells, and 1 Cruciferous Plus tablet, which provides nutrients that work with naturally-occurring hormones to promote healthy tissue growth.*

Scientifically-proven phytonutrient protection. Contains all the components researchers have found to play important roles in maximizing health, such as alpha-, beta-, gamma-, zeta-, and cis-beta-carotenes, lycopene and cis-lycopene, lutein, alpha-cryptoxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, catechins, anthocyanins, pro- anthocyanidins, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, elagic acid, isothiocyanates, sulforaphanes, indolecarbinols, D-limonene, chalcones, and isoflavones, including genestein.

100% natural. All phytonutrients derived from whole food concentrates and extracts. No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Additional information

Weight0.6 oz
Suggested Use

1 packet daily with breakfast or lunch.

Other Ingredients

microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, olive oil, glycerin, yellow beeswax, calcium carbonate, purified water, lecithin, sodium croscarmellose, stearic acid, starch, silicon dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, soybean oil, triacetin, natural colors, simethicone


Carughi, A. & Hooper, F.G., Plasma carotenoid concentrations before and after supplementation with a carotenoid mixture. Annuls of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 691: 244-245, 1993. Get full study (PDF, 6.6MB) Carughi, A. & Hooper, F.G., Plasma carotenoid concentrations before and after supplementation with a carotenoid mixture. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 59 (4): 896-899, 1994. Get full study (PDF, 6.6MB)


Carotenoid Complex Q. If someone is allergic to one of the ingredients in Carotenoid Complex, would they also be allergic to Carotenoid Complex as well? A. In the development of Carotenoid Complex, a great deal of attention was given to minimizing allergic potential. Each raw material was investigated thoroughly to ensure that no frequent food allergens were contained in the product. However, it is possible that someone could be allergic to one or more of the food extracts and concentrates that make up Carotenoid Complex (tomato, carrot, spinach, red bell pepper, strawberry, apricot, peach, olive.) It is virtually impossible to develop a product that someone, somewhere isn't allergic to. Nevertheless, we feel that our efforts to minimize potential allergic reactions have been quite successful. We have already sold tens of millions of capsules, and only a small handful of consumers have experienced what appear to be allergy-related effects. It is important to realize that Carotenoid Complex offers such important long-term health benefits that everyone who is not eating a minimum of five servings of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables every day should be using it and even those with allergies to some of the ingredients should at least try it. It is likely that they will not have any reaction. We recommend that these people should start slowly by trying one capsule. If there is no reaction, then proceed to the label recommended dosage. Everyone is unique with regard to whether or not they'll have an allergic reaction to a natural substance. We have Carotenoid Complex customers, for example, who have had no reaction despite their allergy to strawberries. This is attributable to the fact that we use high quality oleoresins (lipid extracts) and very few people are allergic to such. Q. Why is there beeswax in Carotenoid Complex? If someone is allergic to honey, can they still consume Carotenoid Complex? A. Carotenoid Complex contains beeswax to enhance the consistency of the whole food ingredients used in this product. Additionally, there is no honey in Carotenoid Complex; it has been completely removed from the beeswax. Q. What is the total carotenoid profile of Carotenoid Complex? A. Carotenoid Complex contains 15 powerful carotenoid family members. Our unique formula has been tested and shown to deliver alpha-, beta-, cis-beta-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lycopene, cis-lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin, and cryptocapsin. Q. Why do I need a carotenoid supplement? A. If you don't eat the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, chances are you are not getting the recommended amount of carotenoids in your daily diet. Most people only get 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables daily and most of the top ten fruits and vegetables are poor sources of carotenoids. Plus, even those that do eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables every day are not getting the amount of carotenoids found in a serving of Carotenoid Complex. Q. What is the difference between killer T-cells and natural killer cells? Which is cited in the USDA study using Carotenoid Complex? A. In the Carotenoid Complex study conducted by researchers from the USDA, natural killer cells and lymphocyte proliferation (or T-cell proliferation) were the two measures used to gauge changes in subjects' immune potential. Lymphocyte proliferation response is how quickly, and many, lympocytes (T-cells) are produced once an invader is detected. Think of it as an army responding to attack. The amount of "soldiers" you get to the point of attack is prolific response. T-cell proliferation is a measure of immune response effectiveness. T-cells coordinate immune defense and kill invaders on contact. Once the T-cells recognize an antigen, they are activated and rapidly multiply. They release lymphokines, which in turn activate more T-cells and B cells and direct them to the battle. Natural killer (NK) cells are a specialized type of immune cell found in the spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow and blood that destroy abnormal cells such as virally infected cells, cancer cells and tumor cells. The NK cells do not proliferate in response to an antigen, as do the T-cells, nor are they increased by immunization. Natural killer cells are the first line of defense against cancer! Q. What coloring is used in Carotenoid Complex? A. Carotenoid Complex contains a unique and hearty mix of carotenoid-rich extracts and concentrates from colorful fruits and vegetables, which contribute to the capsule's color. Additionally, the carotenoid annatto from small, dark-red seed of the annatto tree (Bixa orellanna tree) gives the capsule's shell its rich, dark, natural color. Q. Isn't it less expensive to eat whole foods? A. If you compare the cost and time involved in traveling to the supermarket, purchasing food, and the preparation involved, the cost of Carotenoid Complex is inexpensive. Of course, we urge everyone to eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables every day. But, for those who don't, supplements can help you to bridge the gap between what you eat and what you really should eat. Q. Can I get enough carotenoids from my diet alone? A. If you want the best antioxidant protection for your body, it would be extremely difficult to eat enough fruits and vegetables. GNLD stresses that it is vital that you consume a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, but we also know that most of the fruits and vegetables that we do eat, like bananas and potatoes, are not good sources of carotenoids. In addition, the bioavailability of carotenoids in uncooked fruits and vegetables is extremely poor. Raw carrots are only about 5-10% bioavailable in their carotenoid content. In comparison, the carotenoids in Carotenoid Complex are up to 95% bioavailable. Q. How is Carotenoid Complex different than dunaliella salina? A. When you compare dunaliella salina supplements against Carotenoid Complex, dunaliella salina always come up short! Dunaliella salina, sourced from algae, is not normally in the human food chain, and delivers the carotenoids found only in that one source. On the other hand, GNLD's Carotenoid Complex is a far superior carotenoid supplement than a pure dunaliella salina product for three main reasons. First, Carotenoid Complex delivers an exclusive blend of carotenoid-rich extracts and concentrates from tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell pepper, strawberries, apricots and peaches, foods in the human food chain. Secondly, each capsule provides the phytonutrient value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables. In fact, a three capsule serving delivers 1/3 of the amount of the recommended dietary intake of 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! Lastly, Carotenoid Complex has been tested by USDA researchers and shown to: Boost immune cells 37% in just 20 days. Curb oxidation damage to cells by 44%. Increase natural killer cells by 20%. (Natural killer cells are our first line of defense against cancer.) Help protect against heart disease. With those kinds of advantages, Carotenoid Complex is the smarter choice for carotenoid supplementation, hands down! Q. Are GMOs present in any of the fruits and vegetables used in Carotenoid Complex? A. GMO's, or genetically modified organisms caught our attention way back in the 1980's. As we delved into the science and technology that was developing behind the scenes we quickly came to the conclusion that genetic manipulation of life's blueprint DNA was a very risky enterprise. It was not without it's promise, but it was truly a doubled edged sword with the potential for both dramatic benefit and catastrophic risk. On the one hand it offers the opportunity to "feed the starving masses" by creating new forms of certain crop plants that would grow where they previously wouldn't, or produce hugely greater yields, or provide previously missing nutrients deficient in certain populations. On the other hand it held the potential to create virulent "monster" plants or animals that would displace their "weaker" natural cousins, reek havoc on the local flora and fauna where they are planted or farmed and ultimately force the natural form into extinction. Of particular concern to the SAB was the idea of "transgenic" modification of DNA. This is the process of mixing genetic material not just from different species, but from different life forms. Plants were being given genes not just from other plants, but from bacteria, insects and animals. And the reverse was true. DNA was being mixed and manipulated in a way that was absolutely contradictory to the rules of nature and the separation of life forms and species. It didn't take us long to recognize that this was not something we wanted in our products. Thus, years ago we made the decisions that would make sure that would not occur. We set new raw material standards that demanded all ingredients of plant or animal origin be free from genetic modification. We demanded that our suppliers confirm that the materials they provided us complied with that standard. And then we established the means to confirm that was so. Today, you can confidently use GNLD products, including Carotenoid Complex, and know that they do not contain any genetically modified DNA, of any form or source. That all of the genetic materials they contain are the natural genetic materials Nature put there. Q. What is the olive oil in Carotenoid Complex for? A. Carotenoid Complex's unique formula has been specifically designed to maximize carotenoid absorption; in fact, the carotenoids in Carotenoid Complex are more readily absorbed than they would be in most foods. One of the ways GNLD Carotenoid Complex maximizes carotenoid absorption is to use olive oil, a mono-saturated fatty acid, as a carrier. Olive oil is one of the most readily digestible oils available, and carotenoids are best absorbed when partnered with olive oil. Q. What is the size of an optimal serving of fruits and vegetables? How was this size established? Is the serving size comparable to those listed in the Daily Food Guides? A. As serving size is generally assumed to be 100 grams or approximately 3-1/2 ounces. To give another perspective, a serving is about a 4-5 inch plateful of fruits and veggies. This is the approach used by the USDA, and it is the basic measure we used in our calculations as well. Q. Which fruits and vegetables make up the optimal serving you are comparing your capsules to? A. In order to determine the make-up of an "optimal serving" of fruits and vegetables containing carotenoids we first analyzed the overall consumption of fruits and vegetables across the United States, using data developed by the USDA. We singled out those fruits and vegetables that made the largest contribution of carotenoids to the average American diet: carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, orange juice, sweet potatoes, peaches, red bell peppers, broccoli, pumpkin, acorn squash, tangerine juice, pink grapefruit, apricots and strawberries. That group of food sources provided us with a profile for all the carotenoids we were investigating. The result is that each Carotenoid Complex capsule provides a match to that carotenoid profile of the mix of fruits and vegetables which are particularly rich in carotenoids and which represent an optimal serving of carotenoid rich foods. Q. Do I need to stop taking other antioxidant supplements if I use Carotenoid Complex? A. Carotenoid Complex provides powerful antioxidant protection, but the need to supplement with other antioxidants remains. You should continue supplementing with GNLD's Flavonoid Complex, vitamin E and vitamin C. Q. Are there pesticides in Carotenoid Complex? A. There are no pesticides in any of our products, including Carotenoid Complex. Our stringent Quality Control procedures guarantee that our products are pesticide-and contamination-free. Our testing protocols follow the American Organization of Analytical Chemists. The pesticide screen is conducted routinely by outside laboratories to confirm that our products are pesticide-free. Q. Some people may be concerned about the amount of provitamin A that is in Carotenoid Complex because of the toxicity issue surrounding vitamin A. Can we assure these people this does not apply to provitamin A? A. GNLD's Carotenoid Complex provides a variety of carotenoid "family members" as they naturally occur in human food chain fruits and vegetables. Not all of these carotenoids provide provitamin A activity. However, there is no need to fear those that do, as provitamin A is only a precursor to vitamin A, and not vitamin A itself. This means that provitamin A is converted by the body to vitamin A only as needed. If the body has an adequate supply of vitamin A, provitamin A will not be converted by the body to vitamin A, therefore there is no toxicity associated with provitamin A at any level. Q. Is it safe? A. Carotenoid Complex is as safe as eating a serving of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is 100% natural and contains no artificial preservatives or sweeteners, plus it's 100% pesticide-free. Q. How does Carotenoid Complex compare to other "carotenoid" supplements? A. There really is no comparison! Carotenoid Complex is so unique, it's patented. It is the only completely whole-food sourced carotenoid supplement on the market. Other products use a combination of synthetic beta-carotene and/or carotenoids from non-food sources such as marigolds and algae. Carotenoid Complex is based on "Nature's Blueprint" and provides carotenoids from sources that are part of the human food chain, just as nature intended you to have them.

Advisories & Precautions

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


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