Super 10 Cleaner 1 Liter #4200


Super 10 Cleaner is Neolife’s most powerful cleaning product, industrial strength Super 10, penetrates, dissolves and emulsifies even the toughest grit and grime. It’s perfect for industrial use, yet safe in the home. Super 10 makes all your cleaning chores easier, yet it’s compatible with the environment. You’ll love the way it penetrates grease and stains, wipes out fingerprints, black heel marks, and soapy residue on tile and grout. You choose the strength you need for each cleaning task. It’s powerful cleaning for just pennies per use.

How to Use Super 10

For best results, dilute Super 10 before using according to the ratios below. Super 10 provides you with one cleaning concentrate that does the job of many specialty cleaners. ■ Extra heavy-duty cleaning: 1:3 ratio: About 5 oz/150mL of Super 10 in a 22 oz/650mL spray bottle, and fill with water. ■ Heavy-duty cleaning: 1:10 ratio: About 2 oz/60mL of Super 10 in a 22 oz/650mL spray bottle, and fill with water. ■ General Cleaning: 1:20 ratio: About 1 oz/30mL of Super 10 in a 22 oz/650mL spray bottle, and fill with water.

Where to use Super 10:

■ Bathroom: 1:20 ratio: Fixtures

■ Floor: 1:10 ratio: Spot-clean rugs 1:128 ratio: Floor (for unwaxed surfaces only), laminated wood (do not use on hardwood), tile, vinyl

■ Home: 1:10 ratio: Enameled surfaces 1:20 ratio: Living room furniture 1:128 ratio: Walls 3 drops of Super 10 in 22 oz/650mL water in a spray bottle: Windows, mirrors, dusting.

■ Kitchen: 1:3 ratio: Stovetops (for tough stains), fume hoods. 1:10 ratio: Kitchen appliances, chrome, countertops, stovetops, pre-soak pots and pans 1:20 ratio: Kitchen cabinets and shelves.

■ Laundry: 1:10 ratio: Spot remover for ink, crayon, lipstick, and ground-in dirt and grime. Test for colorfastness before using on entire surface.








Versatile and economical. One product is useful in every room of the house. Effective on every tough job from removing stubborn fabric stains to cleaning garage floors.

Industrial strength that’s harmless to any surface where it’s safe to use water.

Concentrated product: A little goes a long way.

Unique 3-way action that penetrates, dissolves, and emulsifies getting between the surface and the dirt for superior performance.

Completely free-rinsing. Leaves no soapy residue.

Additional information

Weight2.75 oz
Suggested Use

EXTRA HEAVY-DUTY CLEANING: Dilute 1 part SUPER 10 with 3 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray on, agitate and let stand for a few minutes. Wipe off. HEAVY-DUTY CLEANING: Dilute 1 part SUPER 10 with 10 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray on and wipe clean. For spot cleaning (first test for colorfastness) spray on, rub in with absorbent cloth, let stand and blot to remove ink, crayon, lipstick, dyes, and stains from carpet and wallpaper. Pre-soak for pots and pans. GENERAL CLEANING: Dilute 1 part SUPER 10 with 20 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray on and wipe clean. For floors, walls, and other large jobs, mix 1 part SUPER 10 to 128 parts water (1 fl oz/gal; 8 mL/L) in a bucket.

Other Ingredients

water, oleic acid monoethanolamine & sodium salt, dipropylene glycol methyl ether, linear alcohol ethoxylate, urea, edta tetrasodium, sodium hydroxide, fragrance, preservatives, color, dihydeoxyethylglycine

Advisories & Precautions

CAUTION: Contains monoethanolamine and 2-methylethoxy-propanol. Eye irritant. If contact with eyes occurs, flush repeatedly with cold running water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, contact a physician.KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN


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